I thought I'd share one of them, since it bears medical/educational relevance, in the same vein as Joshua Schwimmer of Efficient MD.com:
Other apps recommended: "8 Medical iPhone Apps You Should Prescribe to your Health-Care Professional."
Medcalc is a classic that I used a lot on my PDA, just like Eponyms.
Heme Calc also has formulas for nephrology, cardiology, gastroenterology and obstetrics -- I couldn't tell the difference between the other apps offered (so I went with the one with the prettiest color.)
Reach MD radio has streaming radio for medical professionals. Really good for a smattering of general medical topics.
PubMed on Tap: Joel Topf found this very helpful when he needed a citation to back up the statement he made that "the data doesn't support the common sense notion that contrast accelerates the loss of residual renal function."
Shots online and NEJM Image Challenge are two weblinks that I found worthwhile storing on my homepage.
Evernote is ever AWESOME. Especially when I found out that I could *Favorite* my handout on Acid-Base and EKG reading for quick access (local file, no repeat downloading necessary)
Google Reader and Twitter provide me with round-the-clock streaming data on the latest and greatest, by subscribing to some of the best, web-savvy, provocative and brilliant physicians!
Hi! I have been using Skyscape's applications and am very happy with the service. They also have great offers and discounts. Do check out their website at http://bit.ly/8dvpzI... Have a lovely day !