August 09, 2006

Sarcomere recall: Zoe is a horny mama!

One of my classmates asked me for a quick way to remember the different parts of a sarcomere. I whipped out my trusty PDA, typed in "muscle" into the search function of MedMnemonics and I found two great ones that I thought I'd share with you as well.

The parts of a sarcomere correspond to the following mnemonic:
Zoe (Z-line)
Is (I-band)
A (A-band)
Horny (H-line)
Mama! (M-line)

Additionally, the light and dark bands are isotropic and anisotropic. The second letter of each word corresponds to the band name and its properties.

dArk (A-band, anisotropic)
lIght (I-band, isotropic)

Cleverly provided by:

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